New York Trials Robot Companions for 800 Elderly People to Combat Loneliness


New York Trials Robot Companions for 800 Elderly People to Combat Loneliness

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) will work with local partners to identify older adults who would most benefit from the technology - a voice-operated smart device known as ElliQ. The device, which consists of an interactive robot paired with a tablet, will help "foster independence and provide support for older adults," NYSOFA said. For example, it can carry out daily check-ins, suggest health and wellness tasks such as sleep relaxation and physical exercises, remind users to take their medication, and help them stay in touch with family and friends. |
--from Euronews

紐約州高齡辦公室 (NYSOFA) 將與當地夥伴合作,驗證樂齡成人將能從一項名為ElliQ的聲控智能裝置技術中大大受益。NYSOFA 表示,該裝置由一個互動式機器人與平板電腦配對組成,將有助於「為樂齡成人培養獨立自主及提供支援」。例如,它可以進行每日健康檢測紀錄,提議睡眠放鬆和體能訓練等健康與保健任務、提醒使用者服藥,並協助他們與家人和朋友保持聯繫。

These Aprons Absorb CO2: Wearable Tech Could Transform the Restaurant Industry-- article with video


These Aprons Absorb CO2: Wearable Tech Could Transform the Restaurant Industry-- article with video

A restaurant in Stockholm, Sweden, is asking staff to wear aprons that capture greenhouse gas from the air. The aprons were produced in a pilot scheme developed by H&M-backed researchers, as the fashion industry struggles to lower its climate impact. The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) developed the chemical process. It comes in the form of an amine-containing solution which is used to treat cotton - fibre, yarn or fabric - making the material pull carbon dioxide towards it and capture it. This then stabilises it and stores it on the surface of the textile. The team were inspired by techniques used in chimneys of coal-fired power plants to limit emissions.
--from Euronews, article with video


The Indigenous Australians Few Know


The Indigenous Australians Few Know

Torres Strait Islander people have a rich cultural identity unique to that of Aboriginal Australians, yet few travellers will have heard of them. The administrative capital of the Torres Strait Islands, Thursday Island (locally known as "TI") is one of more than 200 islands that once formed part of a land bridge between Queensland's Cape York Peninsula and modern-day Papua New Guinea. Of Melanesian descent, Torres Strait Islander people have a long history of trading with the people of Papua New Guinea and the Aboriginal communities of Cape York. But they have cultural and linguistic traditions of their own, which vary between each island group and the 18 indigenous communities within them. TI is the most accessible place to experience Torres Strait Islander culture in its birthplace.
--from BBC news

托雷斯海峽島民擁有澳大利亞原住民獨有的豐富文化特徵,但很少有旅行者聽說過他們。托雷斯海峽群島的行政首府– 星期四島(當地稱為「TI」),是200多個曾經在昆士蘭州約克角半島和現代巴布亞新幾內亞間形成陸橋的島嶼之一。托雷斯海峽島民擁有美拉尼西亞血統,與巴布亞新幾內亞人和約克角原住民族群有著悠久的貿易歷史。但他們有自己的文化和語言傳統,和每個島嶼群當中的18個原住民族群有所不同。TI 是體驗托雷斯海峽島民文化起源最便捷的地方。
--摘錄翻譯自BBC news

Meet Jason deCaires Taylor, the Artist Protecting Marine Life with His Underwater Sculptures – article with video

認識以水下雕塑保護海洋生物的藝術家Jason deCaires Taylor

Meet Jason deCaires Taylor, the Artist Protecting Marine Life with His Underwater Sculptures – article with video

In 2006, Jason deCaires Taylor, a British sculptor, who was living in Grenada in the Caribbean at the time, witnessed a hurricane hit the island. The hurricane decimated large areas of the coral reef system. The passage of the hurricane was a triggering event for him. He decided to create underwater sculptures that could be used as structures for the development of new corals and help the blooming of marine life, but also as a diversion for tourists and divers, providing respite for the affected areas. Another aspect that is very important to Jason is to make his art environmentally relevant to the location of his installation. The most important criteria are that the installation of the work should have no negative impact on existing marine life and that the materials will last underwater and will not pollute the environment in any way.
--from Euronews, article with video

2006年,當時居住在加勒比海格瑞納達的英國雕塑家Jason deCaires Taylor目睹了颶風襲擊該島,摧毀了大範圍的珊瑚礁生態。這次颶風過境促成他決定創作水下雕塑的契機。水下雕塑既可以做為新珊瑚群發展的結構體,以幫助海洋生物繁衍;也可以做為遊客和潛水者的消遣,提供受災區喘息的機會。對Jason來說非常重要的另一個考量,是讓他的藝術與裝設的環境適切結合。最重要的準則是:作品的設置不該對現有的海洋生物產生負面影響,且材料持續在水中不會污染環境。

How the Wild Jungle Fowl Became the Chicken


How the Wild Jungle Fowl Became the Chicken

A pair of new archaeological studies suggest that without rice, chickens may have never existed. As the scientists traced the trail of chicken bones across Asia into the Middle East and Africa, they found a “striking” correlation between the spread of dry rice farming, millet, and other grains—and the appearance of chickens. They found the oldest bones of likely chickens came from a site called Ban Non Wat in central Thailand, where farmers grew rice 3250 to 3650 years ago, the team reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Chickens appeared about 3000 years ago in northern China and India, and about 2800 years ago in the Middle East and Northeast Africa. The first chickens in Europe were found in an Etruscan site in Italy 2800 years ago, the team reported in Antiquity.
--from Science news

一組新考古研究顯示:沒有稻米,雞可能永遠不會出現。當科學家們追踪雞骨頭從亞洲到中東和非洲的踪跡時,他們發現旱稻種植、小米和其他穀物的傳播與雞的出現有著「驚人的」相關性。研究小組今天在《美國國家科學院院刊》報導說,他們在泰國中部Ban Non Wat發現疑似是雞最古老的骨頭,當地農民在3250到3650年前即種植水稻。在中國北部和印度,雞出現於大約3000年前;而大約2800年前首現於中東和非洲東北部。該團隊同時發表在《古代》期刊指出:最早見於歐洲的雞是2800年前,在義大利的Etruscan所發現。
--摘錄翻譯自Science news

Deadly Virus is Causing Honeybee Colonies to Collapse All Over the World


Deadly Virus is Causing Honeybee Colonies to Collapse All Over the World

Bee populations around the world are suffering from the spread of a deadly virus that eats away at their wings. Deformed wing virus (DWV) was first detected 40 years ago, but a new strain that emerged in the Netherlands in 2001 is on the rise according to scientists. Honeybees are most afflicted by the virus, which is transmitted by a parasitic mite called Varroa Destructor. "These mites not only transmit viruses between honeybees, they also eat the bees' tissues," explains Professor Robert Paxton, a zoologist from Germany’s Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) which led the new study. “Deformed wing virus is definitely the biggest threat to honeybees.”
--from Euronews

世界各地的蜜蜂種群正遭受一種「會侵蝕它們的翅膀」的致命病毒傳播所威脅。變形翼病毒(Deformed Wing Virus, DWV)在40年前首次被發現,科學家指出:2001年在荷蘭出現的一種新病毒株正在增加。蜜蜂最容易受這種病毒的影響,此病毒是由一種叫做蜂蟹蟎(Varroa Destructor)的寄生蟎傳播。領導這項新研究的德國馬丁路德大學的動物學家Paxton教授說:「這些蟎蟲不僅在蜜蜂之間傳播病毒,它們還吃掉蜜蜂的組織,變形翼病毒絕對是對蜜蜂的最大威脅。」

1. 紐約州高齡辦公室的縮寫及英文全名是什麼?
2. 星期四島曾經以什麼產業繁榮?
3. 會侵蝕蜜蜂翅膀的病毒DWV、以及他的傳播媒介的中英文為何?
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