Hugs Help Women Face Stress, Study Says. Men, You Are Out of Luck



Hugs Help Women Face Stress, Study Says. Men, You Are Out of Luck

A hug can make a big difference for women, according to a new study. Unfortunately, the effect is not as powerful when it comes to men. Researchers analyzed how 76 people responded to stress after a hug from a romantic partner in a study published in the journal PLOS One. Women who got to hug their significant other showed a decrease in the production of cortisol -- a stress hormone -- compared with those who did not. Why don't men see the same cortisol decrease? “It could be a social factor, where many of the men might not have felt as good about the hugs. It could also have to do with the difference in touch receptors in men's and women's biology, said Julian Packheiser, a postdoctoral researcher with the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. --from CNN news

根據一項新研究:擁抱可以對女性產生重大影響。可惜對男性的效果並沒有那麼強大。發表在《PLOS One》雜誌上的一項研究中,研究人員分析了76 人在與伴侶擁抱後如何應對壓力。與沒有擁抱的女性相比,得以擁抱另一半的女性皮質醇(一種壓力荷爾蒙)分泌明顯減少。為何從男性身上未見同樣的皮質醇減少?荷蘭神經科學研究所的博士後研究員Packheiser說:「這可能是社會因素,使男性對擁抱的感覺與女性的不同;也可能與男、女生理上的觸覺感受器不同有關。」 --摘錄翻譯自CNN news

Watching Less TV Could Cut Heart Disease, Study Finds


Watching Less TV Could Cut Heart Disease, Study Finds

More than one in 10 cases of coronary heart disease could be prevented if people reduced their TV viewing to less than an hour a day, research suggests. Coronary heart disease occurs when fatty material builds up inside the coronary arteries causing them to narrow, reducing the heart’s blood supply. Compared with people who watched four or more hours of TV a day, those who watched an hour or less had a 16% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease. While the team did not look at what was behind the association, the previous studies had found excessive TV viewing time is associated with adverse levels of cholesterol and glucose in the body. --from CNN news

研究指出:如果人們將每天看電視的時間減少到一小時內,便可預防十分之一以上的冠狀動脈心臟病例。當脂肪物質積聚在冠狀動脈內,會導致動脈變窄、心臟的血液供應減少時,就會發生冠狀動脈心臟病。與每天看4小時以上電視的人相比,看1小時或看1小時以內的人罹患冠狀動脈心臟病的風險少了16%。儘管研究小組未探討此關聯的脈絡,但之前的研究發現,電視觀看時間過長與體內膽固醇和葡萄糖指數異常有關。 --摘錄翻譯自CNN news

Climate Change could Lead to a Net Expansion of Global forests. But Will a More Forested World Actually be Cooler?


Climate Change could Lead to a Net Expansion of Global forests. But Will a More Forested World Actually be Cooler?

All around the Arctic Circle, trees are invading as the climate warms. In Norway, birch and pine are marching poleward, eclipsing the tundra. In Alaska, spruce are taking over from moss and lichen. Globally, recent research indicates forests are expanding along two-thirds of Earth’s 12,000-kilometer-long northern tree line—the point where forests give way to tundra—while receding along just 1%. That might seem like surprisingly good news for curbing global warming. Forests often have a cooling effect, releasing organic compounds and water vapor that promote the formation of clouds. And more, faster growing trees would absorb more atmospheric carbon and lock it away in wood. --from Science news

隨著氣候變暖,在北極圈周圍,樹木正在入侵。在挪威,樺樹和松樹正向極地前進,使苔原黯然失色。在阿拉斯加,雲杉正在取代苔蘚和地衣。綜觀全球,最近的研究指出,森林正在地球12,000公里長的北部林線中的三分之二持續擴張;而苔原增長取代森林之處,消退至僅有1%。對遏制全球變暖而言,這似乎是令人訝異的好消息。森林通常具有降溫作用,釋放出促使雲層形成的有機化合物和水蒸氣。而且,生長較快的樹木會吸收更多大氣碳,並將其鎖在樹木中。 --摘錄翻譯自Science news

Solar Energy that Usually Escapes Earth Overnight can Now be Captured


Solar Energy that Usually Escapes Earth Overnight can Now be Captured

University of New South Wales (UNSW) scientists have found a way to ‘catch’ energy that flows out of the earth at night. “This could mean being able to achieve the ultimate dream of renewable energy: power generation uninterrupted by the setting of the sun,” the researchers claim. Every day, the earth absorbs heat from the sun. At night, this heat escapes the earth in the form of infrared light, and is sucked out into the icy vacuum of space. UNSW scientists use the catchily-named ‘thermoradiative diode’ - a type of semiconductor also used in night vision goggles - to capture the infrared radiation as it escapes earth. They then convert the ‘captured’ power into electricity. --from Euronews

新南威爾斯大學(UNSW)的科學家們找到了一種「捕捉」夜間自地球流出的能量的方法。研究人員宣稱:「這可能意味著再生能源的終極夢想將能實現:發電不會因日落而中斷。」地球每天都會從太陽吸收熱量。這些熱量在夜間以紅外線的形式逸出地球,被吸進冰冷的太空真空中。新南威爾斯大學的科學家們使用琅琅上口的名稱「熱輻射二極體」—一種也用於夜視鏡的半導體—來攫取正逸出地球的紅外線輻射。然後他們將「攫取」到的能量轉化為電能。 --摘錄翻譯自Euronews

Palau's World-first 'Good Traveller' Incentive


Palau's World-first 'Good Traveller' Incentive

Despite being home to fewer than 20,000 residents, the Republic of Palau is making an outsized impact to preserve the planet. Not only did the country adopt the world's first anti-nuclear constitution, but it also implemented the Palau Pledge, which requires international visitors to sign a pledge stamp in their passports that promises they will "preserve and protect" the islands. Now, a new programme called Ol'au Palau is offering a world-first initiative of "gamifying" responsible tourism, whereby travellers will be offered exclusive experiences based on how they treat the environment and culture. The programme, managed via a custom app that's launching in the coming months, offers points to those who treat the island nation gently and respectfully by making sustainable decisions like using reef-safe sunscreen, visiting culturally important sites and eating sustainably sourced local food. --from BBC news

儘管帛琉共和國的居民不到20,000人,但它正為保護地球做出巨大的影響。該國不僅通過了世界上首部反核憲法,還實施了帛琉誓約,要求國際遊客在他們護照上簽署入境誓約章,承諾他們將「愛惜及保護」這些島嶼。現在一個名為Ol'au Palau的新計畫提出世界首創「遊戲化」責任旅遊,將根據遊客如何對待環境和文化,提供其獨家體驗。此計畫將透過客製化的應用程式,給予那些做出永續發展決策(如使用友善珊瑚礁防曬霜、造訪重要文化景點和食用持續生產的當地食物)、對待島國溫和以禮的人點數。 --摘錄翻譯自BBC news

The Ancient Mummies Older than Egypt's


The Ancient Mummies Older than Egypt's

In Chile's Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth, mummies have been found that pre-date the Egyptians' by 2,000 years. So while the Egyptians may be the most famous culture to mummify their dead, it turns out they weren't the first to do so. In 2021, these cemeteries were inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List for the immense archaeological value they provide. Not only do they reveal the detailed mortuary and funerary practices of the ancient culture, but they offer insight into the community's social and spiritual structures. For instance, mummification was not reserved for the upper class of society (like it was for the Egyptians) but was a ritual for all. --from BBC news

在智利阿塔卡馬沙漠-世上最乾涸之地,剛發現比埃及早2000年存在的木乃伊。所以即使埃及將屍體製成木乃伊的文化最負盛名,如今證實他們並非第一個這樣做的。這些墓地因其提供絕佳的考古價值,而於2021年被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄。它們不僅揭示古文化中殯葬管理及喪葬習俗的細節,還提供對群體社交和精神結構的見解。例如,木乃伊製程並非專為上流社會的人而訂(如同埃及人),而是給所有人的儀式。 --摘錄翻譯自BBC news

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