Scientists in Taiwan Are Growing Coral Reefs on Wind Turbines


Scientists in Taiwan Are Growing Coral Reefs on Wind Turbines

A project started by Danish energy company Ørsted aims to provide a “safe haven” for corals by growing them at the base of turbines. Further out to sea, at the base of wind farms, temperatures are more stable at the surface of the water. As temperatures can rapidly increase in shallow waters near the coast, this makes these locations susceptible to coral bleaching. The idea behind this project is to use these relatively stable water temperatures to limit the risk of coral bleaching and allow healthy plants to grow on the foundations of the turbines. The ReCoral team successfully grew young corals on steel and concrete for the first time at a test facility in 2021, and now they are looking to prove that the idea can be scaled at wind farms in Taiwan.

--from Euronews



Kids Get Limited COVID Protection from World’s Most Popular Vaccines


Kids Get Limited COVID Protection from World’s Most Popular Vaccines

The Sinovac and Sinopharm products are ‘inactivated’ vaccines, which rely on whole viruses that have been killed. They are among the world’s most widely used COVID-19 vaccines in adults: more than 5 billion doses of the vaccines have been given worldwide. That total includes many millions of doses given to children aged three and older in China, Chile, Brazil and elsewhere. Three new studies offer a first look at how well some of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines protect young children from the coronavirus. Examining on these two vaccines developed by Chinese scientists, the study results from Argentina, Brazil and Chile — including data from toddlers as young as three years old — have prompted mixed responses among researchers about whether the vaccines should be recommended for use in kids.

--from Nature news

中國科興和國藥產品為「去活性」疫苗,使用殺死後的完整病毒所製成,是世界上使用在成人中最廣泛的COVID-19疫苗之一,全球已接種超過50億劑疫苗。 此總數包括中國、智利、巴西和其他地方三歲及以上兒童接種的數百萬劑。三項新研究首次揭示世界上某些接種最廣泛的COVID-19疫苗保護幼兒免受新冠病毒侵害的成效。檢視這兩種由中國科學家開發的疫苗,來自阿根廷、巴西及智利的結果—數據包括年僅三歲的幼兒—立即引發研究人員對疫苗使用於兒童有不同的反應。

--摘錄翻譯自Nature news

'Water is Light, Light is Art': Italian Town Illuminated by the Inspiration of Water-- article with video


'Water is Light, Light is Art': Italian Town Illuminated by the Inspiration of Water-- article with video

A stunning light festival is being held in the town of Brixen, in northern Italy. The theme of the show centers around the ecological, economic and social aspects of water, and each installation is located in various water locations around the town. The spectacular art trail takes place every day from 9 pm to midnight from 29 April to 22 May 2022. There are 29 light installations in total, designed and created by local and international artists. More than 20 fountains and other cultural-historical treasures are reinterpreted and highlighted with various works of spectacular light and art. Under the motto, "Water is life - Light is art", the art trail in Brixen is 3.2km long, and is connected by a blue line which runs through the old town.

--from Euronews, article with video



Inside the Space Hotel Scheduled to Open in 2025


Inside the Space Hotel Scheduled to Open in 2025

Waking up in a chic hotel room with a view of the solar system could be the future of travel. The US-based space company Orbital Assembly has revealed new information and concepts for its space hotel idea, designs for which have been orbiting since 2019. This futuristic concept consists of several modules connected by elevator shafts that make up a rotating wheel orbiting the Earth. Orbital Assembly is now aiming to launch not one but two space stations with tourist accommodation: Voyager Station, is now scheduled to accommodate 400 people and to open in 2027, while new concept Pioneer Station, housing 28 people, could be operational in just three years. The goal, says Orbital Assembly, is to run a space "business park" home to offices as well as tourists.

--from CNN news

「在有太陽系景觀的時髦飯店房間中甦醒」可能是旅遊的前景。美國的太空公司Orbital Assembly發表了其太空飯店計畫的新訊和概念,依循2019年至今的天體運行軌道而設計。此超未來的概念由「輸送艙組成繞行地球的旋轉輪連結數個模組塊」所構成。Orbital Assembly正致力於打造並非1個,而是2個擁有旅宿設施的太空站:規劃能同時容納400人、並預計於2027年開幕的「領航者站」(Voyager Station),以及可容納 28 人、可能將在短短三年內便開始營運的新概念站-「開拓者站」(Pioneer Station)。Orbital Assembly的目標是運營一個同時是辦公場所及遊客大本營的「太空商業圈」。

--摘錄翻譯自CNN news

Monkeypox: The Smallpox-Like Virus Detected in the UK


Monkeypox: The Smallpox-Like Virus Detected in the UK

Health authorities in the UK have confirmed a case of monkeypox - a rare viral infection related to smallpox - in a person who recently flew in from Nigeria. Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. It was first discovered in 1958 when two outbreaks of a pox-like disease occurred in lab monkeys kept for research, hence the name. The virus enters the body through skin lesions, the respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes. Monkeypox “is usually a mild self-limiting illness and most people recover within a few weeks,” the UKHSA said in its statement confirming the case. There is currently no specific treatment recommended for monkeypox, and it usually goes away on its own.

--from Euronews

英國衛生當局在一名最近從奈及利亞入境者身上,確認了一件與天花有關的罕見病毒感染--猴痘病例。猴痘病毒屬於痘病毒科正痘病毒屬,於1958 年首次被發現;當時在實驗室為研究而飼養的猴子中,爆發了兩次痘疹狀的疾病,因此得名。病毒通過皮膚病灶處、呼吸道或粘膜進入人體。英國衛生安全局在此案的聲明表示,猴痘通常是一種輕微的自限性疾病,大多數人會在幾週內康復。目前沒有針對猴痘的具體治療建議,它通常會自行消失。


Oat and Soy Milks Are Planet Friendly, But Not as Nutritious as Cow Milk


Oat and Soy Milks Are Planet Friendly, But Not as Nutritious as Cow Milk

Making plant-based milks — including oat, almond, rice and soy — generates about one-third of the greenhouse gases and uses far less land and water than producing dairy milk, according to a 2018 report in Science. Although plant milks by and large are better for the environment and the climate, they don’t provide the same nutrition. Milk, the creamy beverage, contains 13 essential nutrients, including muscle-building protein, immune-boosting vitamin A and zinc, and bone-strengthening calcium and vitamin D. Plant-based milks tend to contain smaller amounts of these nutrients. Even when plant milks are fortified, researchers aren’t yet sure how well the body absorbs those nutrients.

--from ScienceNews



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