Ukraine: Watching the war on Russian TV - a Whole Different Story


Ukraine: Watching the war on Russian TV - a Whole Different Story

Never was there a better illustration of the alternative reality presented by Russian state media than at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday. As BBC World TV opened its bulletin with reports of a Russian attack on a TV tower in the capital Kyiv, Russian TV was announcing that Ukraine was responsible for strikes on its own cities. On Rossiya 1 and Channel One - Russia's two most popular channels, both state-controlled - Ukrainian forces are accused of war crimes in the Donbas region. The threat to civilians in Ukraine comes not from Russian forces, but from "Ukrainian nationalists", says the Rossiya 1 presenter.

-From BBC

俄國媒體在星期二格林威治標準時間17:00完美呈現什麼是平行時空。當BBC世界電視台以俄羅斯襲擊首都基輔的電視塔作為開場報導時,俄羅斯電視台宣稱烏克蘭應對自己的城市受襲擊負責。 在Rossiya 1和Channel One這兩個俄羅斯最受歡迎、同屬官方的頻道,同時指控烏克蘭軍隊在頓巴斯地區的引戰罪行。Rossiya 1的主持人說,對烏克蘭平民的威脅並非來自俄羅斯軍隊,而是來自「烏克蘭民族主義者」。


The Somali General Fighting al-Shabab and the Patriarchy.


The Somali General Fighting al-Shabab and the Patriarchy.

When Zakia Hussen Ahmed attended her first meeting in the Somali police force as a director of community policing, a junior male officer asked her to “get up and fetch some tea” for him assuming that the 29-year-old was a secretary to one of the senior officers, since she was not in her uniform. In Somalia’s male-dominated security forces, such condescension is a regular encounter for the few female officers. According to Hussen, Somalia has a 14,000-strong police force. Only a tenth of that figure is women, even though a number of younger female officers have joined the force in the last 10 years, serving in various capacities nationwide. Not long after she joined the force, al-Shabab, the al-Qaeda-linked armed group seeking to unseat the Somali federal government, began sending her death threats.


當Zakia Hussen Ahmed以社區警務主管身分參加她在索馬利亞警察部隊的第一次會議時,一名年輕男警官臆斷29歲的她是某高級警官的秘書,而要求她「起身端茶」給他,只因她當時未穿著警官的制服。 在男性主導的索馬利亞安全部隊中,這種屈尊的現象經常發生在佔少數的女軍官身上。根據Hussen的說法,索馬利亞擁有14,000名警力,儘管在過去十年已有一些年輕女性加入並且擔任全國各項職位,卻只佔所有警力的十分之一。在她加入部隊後不久,與蓋達組織有關、希望推翻索馬利亞聯邦政府的武裝青年軍就開始向她發出死亡威脅。


Life May Actually Flash Before Your Eyes on Death


Life May Actually  Flash Before Your Eyes on Death

A team of scientists set out to measure the brainwaves of an 87-year-old patient who had developed epilepsy. But during the neurological recording, he suffered a fatal heart attack - offering an unexpected recording of a dying brain. Dr Zemmar, now a neurosurgeon at the University of Louisville, said in the 30 seconds before the patient's heart stopped supplying blood to the brain, his brainwaves followed the same patterns as when we carry out high-cognitive demanding tasks, like concentrating, dreaming or recalling memories. "This could possibly be a last recall of memories that we've experienced in life, and they replay through our brain in the last seconds before we die."

-from BBC

一組科學家測量一名患有癲癇症的87歲患者的腦波。但在記錄神經活動期間,他心臟病發作 -意外地 提供一段垂死大腦的紀錄。現任路易斯維爾大學的神經外科醫生的Zemmar博士說,在患者心臟停止向大腦供血前的30秒內,他的腦波遵循我們執行高認知需求任務時的相同模式,比如專注、做夢或回憶。他說:「這可能是我們生命經歷的最後一次回憶,它們在我們死前的最後幾秒鐘透過大腦重演。」


Pets Can Boost Your Brain Power


Pets Can Boost Your Brain Power

Having a long-term pet companion may delay memory loss and other kinds of cognitive decline, a new study has found. Pet ownership was especially beneficial for working verbal memory, such as memorization of word lists, according to the preliminary research. Owning household pets for five years or more produced the most benefit, delaying cognitive decline by 1.2 points over the six-year period of the study compared with the rate of decline in people without pets, said clinical neuroimmunologist Dr. Tiffany Braley. There can also be a multitude of other brain benefits from pet ownership, such as social companionship and a sense of duty and purpose.

-from CNN

一項新研究發現,長期的寵物陪伴可能會延緩記憶力減退和其他類型的認知衰退。根據初期研究,養寵物對工作文字記憶特別有益,例如記憶單詞列表。臨床神經免疫學家Tiffany Braley博士說,擁有家庭寵物五年或更久的時間所產生的益處最大,在研究的六年期間,相較於沒有寵物的人,認知能力下降延緩了1.2個百分比。養寵物還可以為大腦帶來許多其他好處,例如社會陪伴、責任感和使命感。


Spurred by Pandemic, U.S. Government will Revisit Federal Policies on Risky Virus Research


Spurred by Pandemic, U.S. Government will Revisit Federal Policies on Risky Virus Research

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. government is revisiting its oversight of experiments that involve modifying pathogens in ways that might make them more harmful to people. White House officials and the National Institutes of Health asked an expert advisory board to undertake a swift, broad review of the agency’s policies that aim to make sure federally funded studies of viruses and other microbes that could cause a pandemic are undertaken safely, and to bar funding for experiments deemed too risky. Researchers who say federal oversight of potentially risky research is too lax are welcoming the review. But some NSABB ( National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity) members and outside scientists worry it could result in recommendations that limit U.S. support for research essential to fighting SARS-CoV-2 and future pandemics.

-from Science News


-摘錄翻譯自Science News

Genes Stolen from Marine Organisms may Help Digest Seaweed


Genes Stolen from Marine Organisms may Help Digest Seaweed

If the seaweeds nori, kombu, or wakame have long been part of your diet, there’s a good chance your gut bacteria harbor genes from sea life. Microbiologists have discovered the human gut microbiome has acquired this exotic DNA multiple times during the history of seaweed consumption in Asia. A microbiologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and his colleagues placed human fecal samples on plates containing seaweed extracts. They then analyzed the genomes of the bacteria that survived on the extracts, reasoning that those microbes were the ones that could digest seaweed.

-from Science News

如果紫菜、昆布或裙帶菜長久以來是您飲食的一部分,那麼您的腸道細菌很可能含有來自海洋生物的基因。密西根大學Ann Arbor分校的微生物學家和其同事將人類糞便樣本放在含有海藻萃取物的盤子上,然後他們分析了在萃取物中存活的細菌的基因組,推斷這些微生物是可以消化海藻的微生物。

-摘錄翻譯自Science News.

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