Carnival returns to French Riviera, as virus fears recede


Carnival returns to French Riviera, as virus fears recede

Two years after the pandemic shut down the Carnival in the French Riviera city of Nice, artists, florists, actors, technicians and drivers are putting the final touches on their costumes, lavish flower arrangements and giant floats set to roll down the city's famed boulevards and squares on Friday. It will be a loud, rich and crowded chain of events over the next two weeks. The Carnival’s 149th edition is led by the King of Animals, celebrating nature, light, human connection and life itself after months of lockdowns, silence, social distancing and banned public gatherings.

–from Taiwan News

疫情導致法國里維埃拉市的尼斯嘉年華停擺;兩年後的週五,藝術家、花藝師、演員、技術人員和司機正在為他們的服裝、奢華的插花和巨型水上漂浮藝術進行最後的修飾,並將沿著城市著名的大道和廣場布置。在接下來的兩週裡,將會有一連串響亮、豐富和密集的活動。第 149 屆嘉年華的主題為動物之王,在數月的封鎖、沉默、保持社交距離和禁止公共集會之後,人們將為大自然、光明、與人之間的連結的和生命本身慶祝。

On the Great Lakes, scientists are making a “Winter Grab” of rare data


On the Great Lakes, scientists are making a “Winter Grab” of rare data

Climate change is threatening those cold-season ecosystems. A study published last year in Nature Geoscience found that for every 1°C increase in global air temperature, lakes lose almost 10 days of ice cover. “We are losing ice without a really clear understanding of what we’re losing in terms of the ecology under that ice,” says Stephanie Hampton, a freshwater scientist at Washington State University. Therefore, on 14 February, as part of a weeklong campaign timed to coincide with the season’s heaviest ice cover, dozens of researchers from 19 research institutions and government agencies used sleds, snowmobiles, and even airboats and icebreakers to fan out to about 30 sites to study the lakes’ life and chemistry.

- from Science News

氣候變化正在威脅那些寒冷季節的生態系統,去年發表在《自然地球科學》雜誌上的一項研究發現,全球氣溫每升高1°C,湖泊就會失去近10 天的冰覆。華盛頓大學的淡水科學家Hampton說:「我們正在失去冰層,卻沒有真正清楚地了解冰層下的生態系統正在失去什麼。」因此,為期一週的調查始於 2月14日,恰逢本季最厚的冰層覆蓋時,來自19個研究機構和政府機構的數十名研究人員使用雪橇、雪地摩托車,甚至汽艇和破冰船分別前往大約30個地點,研究冰封湖泊的生態和化學物質。

Why Does My Body Feel Tight When I Wake Up?


Why Does My Body Feel Tight When I Wake Up?

You may regularly wake up with stiff muscles, creaky joints or the general feeling that your body simply isn’t as limber as it was when you went to bed. If you don’t already stretch regularly, adding even 15 minutes of stretching to your day may help you feel less stiff upon waking, Dr. Stecco said. Morning tightness will naturally recede as you go about your morning. “But everyone has a different threshold for what is bothersome,” Dr. Capetta said. If it troubles you, some movement and stretching first thing in the morning may be enough “to reduce the time or to reduce the impact of this particular experience,” she said.

-From The New York Times


Muslim women in India protest state’s ban on hijab in schools


Muslim women in India protest state’s ban on hijab in schools

Muslim women in southern India are seeking to overturn a state policy that allows schools to ban the hijab in a case that has polarized the country and added to concerns about discrimination against its Muslim minority. A court hearing on the issue in the southern state of Karnataka is continuing this week. Students challenging the ban on the hijab, or headscarf, say it infringes on their right to education and religious freedom in Hindu-majority India, where secularism is enshrined in the constitution.

-from NBC


Lead bullets are killing more than just hunting game in the US


Lead bullets are killing more than just hunting game in the US

Bald and golden eagles are being decimated by frequent and widespread lead poisoning from hunters' guns across the US, a new study shows. Examining the carcasses of 1,210 dead eagles across 38 US states over eight years, scientists from the US Geological Survey, Conservation Science Global (USGS) have found that half of the birds presented high levels of lead - a poison they had likely ingested by consuming contaminated deer. According to the USGS scientists behind the study, the repeated exposure to lead is hindering the population growth of both bald and golden eagles, which are protected species in the US and just recently made a comeback from the brink of extinction. Another study from the Department of Public and Ecosystem Health at Cornell University has estimated that ingesting hunters' bullets left in wildlife have stunted the birds' population growth by 6.3 per cent for males and 4.3 for females.

-from Euronews


People With Autism or ADHD Are More Likely to Die Early, Review Says


People With Autism or ADHD Are More Likely to Die Early, Review Says

Having autism or ADHD could come with a higher risk of dying earlier than normal, according to new research. "Clinicians and health care professionals can be encouraged to routinely collect information on behavioral, medical conditions and health outcomes related to ASD (autism spectrum disorder)/ADHD, emphasizing the need to recognize and address modifiable vulnerability factors and prevent delays in health care provision," the meta-analysis authors wrote. Some organizations have resources for how children and adults with autism or ADHD can increase their chances of doing things that could help their quality of life or life expectancy, including exercise, dental care and sleep.

-From CNN


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