Should I worry about how much processed meat I eat?


Should I worry about how much processed meat I eat?

The World Health Organization defines processed meat as carcinogenic to humans,” says Dr Keren Papier, a nutritional epidemiologist leading research into colorectal cancer at Oxford university. “Eating an extra 50 grams of processed meat a day – about two slices of ham – could increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.” For reference, old age is the main factor in most forms of bowel cancer, with 7% of UK men and 6% of women likely to receive a diagnosis over the course of a lifetime – this would increase the risk to 8% for men and 7% for women. Processed meats have also been linked with an increased risk of developing dementia, with one large 2021 study concluding that every additional 25 grams of processed meat in a person’s daily diet increases the chances of Alzheimer’s disease by 52%.

--from The Guardian

「世界衛生組織確定加工肉品為對人類致癌,」牛津大學主持結直腸癌研究的營養流行病學家Keren Papier博士表示「每天多吃50 克加工肉—大約兩片火腿—可能會使患結直腸癌的風險升高18%。」做為參考資訊而言,7%的英國男性和6%的女性可能在一生中被診斷多數腸癌形成主因為年老—而前述飲食行為使罹癌的風險分別提高到男性8%及女性7%。加工肉品還與罹患失智症的風險增加有關,2021年的一項大型研究結果顯示,一個人的日常飲食中每增加25克加工肉品,患阿茲海默症的機會就提高52%。

--摘錄翻譯自The Guardian

Weight-loss jabs investigated for suicide risk


Weight-loss jabs investigated for suicide risk

Europe's drugs regulator has told BBC News it is conducting a review of some weight-loss jabs after being alerted to a possible link to thoughts of suicide and self-harm among users. Member state Iceland notified the European Medicines Agency after seeing three cases. The case reports included two cases of suicidal thoughts - one following the use of Saxenda and one after Ozempic. One additional case reported thoughts of self-injury with Saxenda. The safety assessment will look at Wegovy, Saxenda and similar drugs, such as Ozempic, that help curb appetite. Product leaflets already list suicidal thoughts as a possible side effect.

--from BBC News


--摘錄翻譯自BBC News

World Leaders Keep Asking Taylor Swift To Bring The Eras Tour To Their Countries


World Leaders Keep Asking Taylor Swift To Bring The Eras Tour To Their Countries

Taylor Swift's ongoing The Eras Tour has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world, and it is on its way to becoming one of the most successful treks in history. While she’s keeping busy on the road, not all nations have made it onto the coveted tour itinerary, leaving some world leaders disappointed and determined to catch Swift's attention. Chilean President Gabriel Boric recently took to YouTube to make a plea to the renowned artist. In a video shared with the public, he expressed his desire for Swift to include Chile in her Latin America tour. The mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, also joined the chorus of world leaders requesting Swift's presence in their respective nations. He penned a letter to the singer, urging her to consider adding Hungary to her tour itinerary. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to Twitter to extend a playful invitation to Taylor Swift. He tweeted, "It's me, hi. I know places in Canada would love to have you. So, don't make it another cruel summer. We hope to see you soon." Pita Limjaroenrat, the leader of Thailand's Move Forward Party, also used Twitter as a platform to reach out to the pop sensation. He tweeted, "Thailand is back on track to be fully democratic after you had to cancel last time due to the coup. The Thai people have spoken via the election, and we all look forward to welcoming you to this beautiful nation of ours."

--from Forbes

泰勒絲正在進行的時代巡迴演唱會已擄獲全球各地百萬歌迷的心,並且正成為史上最成功的巡迴演唱會之一。縱使她持續忙於開唱,但並非所有國家都在她巡迴演唱會行程中,這讓一些國家政要感到失望且下定決心要引起她的注意。智利總統Gabriel Boric最近透過一個於YouTube公開分享的影片呼籲這名知名的表演者,他表示希望泰勒絲也將智利也列入拉丁美洲的巡演名單之中。布達佩斯市長Gergely Karacsony也加入各國政要的行列,邀請泰勒絲前往該國開唱。他寫了一封信給這位歌手,建議他考慮將匈牙利也納入她的巡迴行程中。 加拿大總理Justin Trudeau也在推特上向泰勒絲發出俏皮的邀請,“嗨,是我,加拿大有很多地方都很希望你能來,別讓我們度過另一個殘酷的夏天,希望我們能很快見面!”泰國前進黨領導人Pita Limjaroenrat也利用推特作為接觸這位流行歌手,他在推特上寫“自上次由於政變而不得不取消選舉後,泰國已回到了民主軌道上了,泰國人民已經透過選舉發聲了,我們都期待您可以來到我們這個美麗的國家。”


The No. 1 destination to live and work abroad, according to expats


The No. 1 destination to live and work abroad, according to expats

Expats in Mexico are some of the happiest in the world, according to a new report from Internations, the global community for people who live and work abroad. Mexico ranks No. 1 as the top destination for expats, with 90% of people saying they’re happy with their lives abroad in the country, compared to 72% globally. The “Expat Insider” report ranks 53 destinations based on five indices: quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, personal finance and an “expat essentials” index, which covers housing, administration, language and digital life. Expats living in Mexico rate it highly for how easy it is to settle in there, as well as the friendliness of locals and ease of building your own community. International workers in Mexico say it’s easy to adjust to the country’s culture, and its affordable living makes it easy to find housing. While it scores lower on political stability, expats say they enjoy their leisure options throughout the country. Here are the top 10 destinations for expats to live and work abroad:1.Mexico、2.Spain、3.Panama、4.Malaysia、5.Taiwan、6.Thailand、7.Costa Rica、8.Philippines、9.Bahrain、10.Portugal

--from CNBC

根據全球旅外人士網站Internations最新報告指出,在墨西哥旅外人士是最幸褔的, 且墨西哥登上旅外人士最想要前往移居的國家,在墨西哥有百分之九十的旅外人士對於當地的生活非常滿意,相較於全球的平均值百分之七十二。根據旅外圈內人(Expat Insider)的報告,就生活品質、定居難易度、海外就業、個人財務狀況及旅外人士基本開銷等各項指標,對於全球53國進行評比,而其中旅外人士基本開銷包含住房、行政、語言及數位生活等方面。旅居於墨西哥的海外人士給予高分評價的原因有定居容易、當地民眾友善及容易建立自己的社區。在墨西哥的旅外人士表示,很容易適應該國文化,經濟實惠的生活開銷使他們很容易找到住房。雖然在政治穩定方面得分較低,但他們表示很享受在墨西哥各地的休閒活動。以下是全球旅外人士認為最合適居住和就業的前十名國家:1.墨西哥、2.西班牙3.巴拿馬、4.馬來西亞、、6.泰國、7.哥斯達黎加、8.菲律賓、9.巴林、10.葡萄牙


What would net-zero shipping look like?


What would net-zero shipping look like?

The International Maritime Organization has set a net-zero goal "by or around 2050". What is needed to reach this? Shipping is a highly polluting industry, responsible for nearly 3% of global emissions and generating around one billion tonnes of greenhouse gases each year - roughly the same amount as Germany's carbon footprint. Reducing maritime emissions rapidly in the next three decades will require new regulations, infrastructure, and fuels. But what might green shipping of the future look like?

--from BBC Future

國際海事組織近期訂定了淨零排放的目標年份,希望於「2050 年左右」達成。但是要達到這個目標需要什麼措施呢?航運業屬於高污染產業,碳排放量佔全球排放量的近 3%,每年產生約 10 億噸溫室氣體。這與德國的碳足跡大致相當。若要在未來的三十年內快速減少因航運所產生的碳排放量,那就需要新的法規、基礎建設與燃料。但未來的綠色航運業會是什麼樣子呢?

--摘錄翻譯自BBC Future

Heatwaves: Why this summer has been so hot


Heatwaves: Why this summer has been so hot

It is hot. Very hot. And we are only a few weeks into summer. Texas and part of the south-west of the US are enduring a searing heatwave. At one point, more than 120 million Americans were under some form of heat advisory, the US National Weather Service said. That is more than one in three of the total population. In the UK, the June heat didn't just break all-time records, it smashed them. It was 0.9C hotter than the previous record, set back in 1940. That is a huge margin. There is a similar story of unprecedented hot weather in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. No surprise, then, that the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasts said that globally, June was the hottest on record.

--from BBC

很熱。非常熱。而我們才剛進入夏天幾週而已。德克薩斯州與美國西南部的部分地區正在經歷灼熱的熱浪。美國國家氣象局表示,一度有超過 1.2 億的美國人收到某種形式的高溫警告。這超過了美國總人口的三分之一。在英國,六月的高溫不僅僅「打破」了歷史記錄,而是「砸破」了此紀錄。今年的高溫比 1940 年創下的前一個記錄高了攝氏 0.9度。這是個巨大的差異。北非、中東和亞洲也出現了類似的空前炎熱天氣。因此,歐洲中期天氣預報中心所報導的「全球六月是有記錄以來最熱的月份」這件事也就不足為奇了。

--摘錄翻譯自 BBC

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