Where in Europe has the healthiest diets?


Where in Europe has the healthiest diets?

It’s no secret that some countries eat better than others - but which are some of the healthiest in Europe? We all know what merits a healthy diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables give us the vitamins and minerals we need to boost our immune systems against illness. Meat and fish are high in protein, which helps muscles grow and can boost metabolism. Wholegrains are full of fibre, along with beans and pulses. Mediterranean cuisine has topped lists like this one ever since the dietary deep dive conducted by Keys et al, which came to be known as ‘The Seven Countries Study’. Rooted in vegetables, wholegrains, fish and dairy, the Mediterranean diet’s high nutrition, low-calorie staples are still widely credited with combatting obesity as well as conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

--from Euronews.Next

有些國家的飲食比其他國家更豐富是眾所周知的秘密,但歐洲中的哪一些國家的飲食是最健康的呢?我們都知道健康飲食的優點,新鮮蔬果能提供人體所需維生素和礦物質,增強人體對抗疾病的免疫系統;含有高蛋白的魚肉類有助於肌肉的成長,並且能提升新陳代謝率;還有蘊含豐富纖維素的全穀類和豆類。自從 Keys 等人進行的飲食深入研究(後來被稱為「七國研究」; 「The Seven Countries Study」)以來,地中海美食就一直位居榜首。取自於蔬菜、全穀物食品、魚類和乳製品為主的地中海飲食,其高營養價值、低熱量的主食仍被廣泛認為能夠對抗肥胖症甚至是相同狀況影響的糖尿病和心臟病等疾病。


Doctors Perform First Surgery on Baby's Brain in the Womb


Doctors Perform First Surgery on Baby's Brain in the Womb

In a first-of-its-kind surgery, doctors have successfully repaired a malformation in the brain of a fetus still in the womb. The team from Boston Children's Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital used ultrasound guidance to repair the vein of what’s known as a Galen malformation, which causes excessively high blood flow and can lead to neurologic and heart complications, including heart failure, severe brain injury, and death soon after birth. The surgery was performed on a 34-week fetus with remarkable results. Since birth, the baby girl, who was identified while in the womb as being at high risk of suffering serious complications of the malformation, has required no medication to treat heart failure and no further surgery. Repeated echocardiograms after the girl's birth showed marked improvement in heart function, and a brain MRI showed no injury and a normal neurologic exam.

--from WebMD

醫學界首次成功在子宮內修復一種胎兒腦部的畸形症狀。波士頓兒童醫院(Boston Children's Hospital)和布里格姆和婦女醫院(Brigham and Women's Hospital)的團隊使用超聲波引導技術修復面臨著「加倫畸形(Galen malformation)」的靜脈,該畸形會引發過高的血流量並可能導致神經與心臟併發症,包括心力衰竭、嚴重腦損傷及產後夭折。手術是在一個34周大的胎兒身上完成的,目前已取得顯著的效果。自出生後,這個女嬰無需服用治療心力衰竭的藥物,也不需要進一步的手術治療。女孩出生後的重複超聲心動圖顯示心臟功能有顯著的改善,腦部MRI顯示無損傷和正常的神經活動。


Roujiamo: China's 2,200-year-old 'burger'

肉夾饃: 擁有2,200年歷史的中國「漢堡」

Roujiamo: China's 2,200-year-old 'burger'

The Chinese pork-and-flatbread sandwich known as roujiamo has been called "the world's oldest hamburger". Like much in China, its precise origins are shrouded in the mists of time. Roujiamo at its best is a primal thing. Cooked and sold in the elements, it's a street food that comes wreathed in an aura of ancient dynasties, the Silk Road and far-off desert frontiers. The sandwich is closely associated with the north-central city of Xi'an in Shaanxi province. Since 202 BCE, Xi'an has been both the eastern terminus of the Silk Road and the capital for 13 more-or-less successive Chinese dynasties.

--from BBC World’s Table

由豬肉與麵餅組成的肉夾饃被譽為「世界上最古老的漢堡」。肉夾饃的確切起源與許多其他中國美食相同,籠罩在歷史的迷霧中。肉夾饃是一種在戶外烹煮和販售的街頭小吃,傳統的風味備受喜愛。肉夾饃帶有一股特殊的氛圍,[享用它時]宛如穿梭到古代,看到絲路和遙遠的沙漠邊境。肉夾饃與中國陝西省中北部的西安有著密切的連結。自公元前202 年起,西安一直是絲路位於東方的終點站,並且也曾是中國13 個朝代的首都。

--摘錄翻譯自BBC World’s Table

Facebook has 3 billion users, but younger users quitting platform 


Facebook has 3 billion users, but younger users quitting platform Facebook

Facebook says it is not dead. The social media giant also wants you to know that it is not just for “old people”, as young people have been saying for years. Now, with the biggest thorn in its side – TikTok – facing heightened government scrutiny amid growing tensions between the United States and China, Facebook could, perhaps, position itself as a viable, domestic-bred alternative. There is just one problem: young adults like Devin Walsh have moved on. “I don’t even remember the last time I logged in. It must have been years ago,” said Walsh, 24, who lives in Manhattan and works in public relations.

--from Al Jazeera

Facebook 說它並沒有死。這家社群媒體巨頭還想讓你知道,它並不像許多年輕人多年來所說的那樣,是給「老人」用的。現在,隨著美國和中國之間的政經關係日益緊張,且讓Facebook備感威脅的TikTok也面臨著美國政府更嚴格的審查,Facebook 或許可以將自己定位成一個美國國產的替代品。 不過有個問題:像Devin Walsh這樣的年輕人已經不回頭了。「我甚至不記得我上次登錄Facebook是什麼時候,可能是幾年前的事了吧」現年 24 歲的Devin Walsh這麼表示。他住在曼哈頓,從事公關相關工作。

--摘錄翻譯自Al Jazeera

‘Devastating’: Australian scientists race to save endangered wild koalas from chlamydia


‘Devastating’: Australian scientists race to save endangered wild koalas from chlamydia

Last February, Australia’s federal government declared koalas “endangered” in the eastern regions of New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. Facing compounded threats from disease, habitat loss and road collisions, koalas could become extinct by 2050, according to a 2020 assessment from the New South Wales government. The other threats koalas face - including habitat destruction from land clearing and climate-enhanced wildfires - may increase their stress levels, weakening their immune systems and making them more susceptible to diseases including chlamydia. An ambitious field trial will protect koalas against chlamydia which can cause them to become blind, infertile, or even die. Australian scientists have begun vaccinating wild koalas to boost a declining population.

--from Euronews



Butterfly species named after Lord of the Rings villain Sauron


Butterfly species named after Lord of the Rings villain Sauron

Scientists have named a new group of butterflies after the villain Sauron from the Lord of the Rings novels. The name was picked by Dr Blanca Huertas, curator of the butterflies at the Natural History Museum in London, who is part of an international team that described the new genus in a paper published in the scientific journal Systematic Entomology. Experts hit on the name Saurona because the black rings on the insect's orange wings reminded them of the all-seeing eye described in JRR Tolkien's books. The Museum hopes the unusual title will draw attention to the species and help generate more research. Two species of butterfly have been added to the newly named Saurona genus. Saurona triangular and Saurona aurigera are the inaugural members of the group but it's expected many more species will join them.

--from BBC News

科學家們以魔戒小說中的反派角色索倫(Souran)命名了一組新的蝴蝶。這個名字是由倫敦自然歷史博物館的蝴蝶館館長Blanca Huertas博士所選,他是一個國際團隊的成員,該團隊在科學期刊《系統昆蟲學》上發表的一篇論文中描述了這個新的屬種。專家們想到了Saurona這個名字,是因為這種昆蟲橙色翅膀上的黑色圓環讓他們聯想到JRR Tolkien書中描述的索倫全視之眼。博物館希望這個不同尋常的稱號能引起人們對該物種的關注,並有助於開展更多研究。新命名的Saurona屬中增加了兩種蝴蝶。Saurona triangular和Saurona aurigera是該組的首批成員,但預計會有更多物種加入。

--摘錄翻譯自BBC News

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