Diwali Celebration 2021Series activity – 11/15~11/19

Here I’m willing to share an activity hold by Indian students of KMU : Diwali Celebration 2021 (印度風華──排燈節系列活動) during Nov. 15th~ Nov. 19th, 2021.

Due to COVID. Everyone is stuck and cannot feel the homely environment. Thus holding the event of Diwali for Indian students is become more important. The one hold by Kaohsiung Medical University(KMU) might be the biggest event in south Taiwan..



Diwali is a “festival of lights” and a most important Indian’s ancient festival. The story and believe of this festival is “The victory of good over evil”. We would like to celebrate it at Kaohsiung Medical University with fun filled events, Indian cuisines and series of Indian culture sharing activities to make you acquainted with the cultural heritage of India.

歡迎大家一同參與印度學生為大家安排的活動,繪製「Rangoli藍果麗」地畫藝術、體驗印度圖騰彩繪「Henna」、以及品嘗聞名世界的印度甜點「Gulab Jamun」,最重要的莫過於出席11/19Diwali event-迪瓦里晚會!帶你領受印度DJ的節慶舞曲洗禮、一起來個期中考後的狂歡吧!

**Admission Time: 5:30 P.M., Nov. 19th.

**Venue: Basketball ground, KMU.

**Programs: Buffet, Performances of Indian dancing, Pray of Diwali, DJ.

If you are willing to join, please register by the link: https://forms.gle/FaTUMNvLnvvm9hjE9

Diwali event-迪瓦里晚會

日期:110 1119



活動內容:祈福活動、印度排燈節文化介紹、印度美食set、印度傳統舞蹈表演、「Rangoli藍果麗」地畫藝術、體驗印度圖騰彩繪「Henna」、Indian style DJ專業級演出。

本活動需報名,報名請至https://forms.gle/FaTUMNvLnvvm9hjE9 填寫表單!

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